Димитър Симеонов
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Main » 2011 » Февруари » 23 » Димитър Симеонов
Стил / Жанр: Drum & Bass / Electroacoustic / Fusion
Роден град: Варна, България
Инфо:Dimitar Simeonov is one of the few fortunate people who, at an early age, discovered his true self - a
person that knows what he wants from life and most of all how to achieve it.
His father, also a musician, put him on the stage behind drums, when Dimitar was barely 3 years old.
True, the kid couldn't reach the drum pedals but he already could play. That was the time when little Dimitar
touched his love - drums.
He was born and raised in Varna, Bulgaria, during the communist era when he faced the hardships of that
time. He even didn't have the support of his family. Finding any kind of information, music, textbooks or
manuals was impossible for him. Yet, all those hurdles did not prevent the boy from playing, studying and
developing his music ability.
With years hi took even greater interest in music. At the age of 7 he started studying keyboard
instruments. Before long he started showing interest in the classic guitar as well. Even just a kid, he come to
realize that playing the drums required not only listening to drummers play, but also various kinds of
Back then his favourite band was 'Return to Forever' (a seven - year - old child!!! )
Soon after that he was invited to play together with 'Big Band', followed by the Opera House. Driven by
his deep love for music,every day he would walk several kilometres just to be able to play the instrument
appointed to him.
Before long he took up a job at night clubs where his work hardly ever finished before 3 a.m. He would
have just a few hours before going to school. But what was of utter importance to him, was the fact that he had
been given the opportunity to play and gain experience at an early age. The twelve - year - old boy managed to
buy his first set of drums with the money he had earned. He was overwhelmed with happiness.
Studying various styles of music - classic, dixie, jazz, rock - jazz, funk - jazz, fusion, reggae,
salsa, Latin - American (he was completely immersed in the mystery of clave), flamenco, heavy staff (heavy
metal, trash metal, etc.), electronic (drum and bass, rave, etc.), oriental, ethno, gypsy and so on, he
embarked on the work with a wide range of musicians and bands.
He started playing on a large number of
percussion instruments. He also studied the folklore of different countries and discovered his own way of doing
things. He was certain that the laws of music would no longer be the same, that they would be altered. Dimitar
would work on a system which he would elaborate on in forthcoming years. Back then his style could be defined
as New Fusion Progressive.
The already teenage Dimitar along with other boys his age set up their own band. They tried playing
'Mezzoforte', 'Level 42', 'Casiopea' and anything else this style of
music encompasses. They liked and mimicked
musicians as Steve Gadd, Billy Cobham, Al Di Meola, Stanley Clarke,
Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, Tony
Williams, Chick Corea, Joe Zawinul, Manolo Badrena, Alex Acuna and a lot
more others. It was as early as then
when he couldn't wait to play double - bass drum, but not in the
accepted way back then, but in one that
included the performance of linear figures.
He envisioned things in quite a different way, but unfortunately he
never had the chance to even try. He knew that legs could work as well
as hands could.
Dimitar Simeonov attracted the attention of Bulgarian
professional musicians who would keep track of his
professional development.
Even though he was a distinguished student, he left the high
school for Fine Arts. His parents insisted
that he applied for a vocational school where he was eventully admitted.
However, Dimitar did not want to
continue with his education, because it was not even remotely connected
with music.
It is important to note that Dimitar Simeonov never had a drum
instructor. He was on his own when
studyind anything.
Having entered his military service which would last for 1.5
years, he didn't have the opportunity to
play and practice. After his military service he was willing to study
and obtain musical education, but his
family were strictly against the prospect of his being a musician.
Having considered the circumstances, the young man didn't have
any other choice, but to make up his and
study on his own the way he did previously. He accepted one of the
offers he had already received on numerous
occasions and went abroad. At first he was in Europe and Scandinavia and
then - in Asia.
Although he was very young, Dimitar would work along with
accomplished Bulgarian musicians traveling
all over the world. He would play in clubs, at concerts as well as
record in studios,and after on the TV. He
invested all his money purchasing albums, textbooks and manuals by all
the drummers. Studied all of them in
detail. He would experiments with various drums, skins,sticks and
cymbals in search of an individual sound.
During his stay in England, he applied for and was admitted in Drumtech
College. Unfortunateiy, he could not
afford the tuition.
He mastered the double - stroke - rolls for only a month and a
half (up to the tempo of 180), which he had only imagined, but never
attempted before.
Traveling all around the world he dreamt of meeting his idol
Virgil Donati. Not only had he wished to see him performing alive, but
also he had some questions to ask in terns of professional and private
life. He felt things he could share only with Virgil, unfortunately he
didn't have chance to meet him.
After a long journey he returned to Bulgaria to work with some of
the best musicians and bands like P.I.F., Slang, Konstantin Tzekov -
FSB, Fandango and many other. During Dimitar's stay in his native
country, God made his dream come true - Virgil Donati was in Bulgaria.
Before and after the concert of Planet X, the two of them spent some
time together, time which left on imprint on Dimitar's mind for ever.
Getting the recognition of a genius like Virgil Donati is one of the
biggest acknowledgements of Dimitar Simeonov's work.
Unfortunately, over the past four and a half years, Dimitar has
lost on awful lot of time because of health problems. Time when he could
have played, studied and progressed even more.
Currently he is working on his new CD - '' Stretching the power''
- DVD 2009. You are going to enjoy all about playing, oustinato,
displacement, rhythmic scales, rhythmic modulations, stemena, endurens,
speed and many more.
Dimitar Simeonov is defined as a leading figure in the
progressive sphere in Bulgaria. Having obtained recognition in his
native country, he now receives world - renowned invitations from
Thanks GOD, we can not have everything what we want,but we have enough
of everything we need to keep going! DIMITAR SIMEONOV
проект "спасяване на планетата" е направен от Димитър Симеонов
(барабани)- Тоэи Електро акустичен стил е послание - за духа на
планетата и нейната духовна сила, която ни носи сила, и определя
боговете, и страданията на техните безкрайни окончания!
Не е
религия! Не е реалност или липса на реалност! Налице е не започнатото
или завършеното Няма АЭ или ТИ! Има само всичко ... И единственото
нещо, което е то, че всичко, което е-божественост,носиш в себе си и това
всичкото е за любовта на боговете!! " Движейки линията между
езичеството и духовното"
Category: Групи |
Views: 1563 |
Added by: Jako
| Rating: 0.0/0 |
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